0300 UK Wide Phone Numbers

Virtual Phone Numbers for charities, public bodies and non-profit organisations

0300 Numbers can only be used by charities, public bodies and non-profit organisations, they can't be used by individuals or businesses.

Many public bodies and charities have stopped using 08 numbers and now use 0300 Numbers instead, ensuring that callers are charged standard rates from any telephone.

What are 0300 telephone numbers?

  • UK Wide Numbers

    0300 Numbers are not linked to a specific town or area and provide businesses with national coverage

  • Good for your callers

    Calls cost the same as calls to 01 or 02 Numbers and are counted in any inclusive minutes

  • Mobile friendly

    Charges to call 0300 Numbers from mobile telephones must be the same as call charges from fixed line

  • Only £2.35 a month per number

    0300 Numbers start at just £2.35 a month. Memorable numbers have a higher first month cost.

  • No physical phone line needed

    0300 Numbers operate from the cloud and work with any fixed, mobile or VoIP phone, from any location.

  • Alternative to 08 Numbers

    Introduced in 2007 to avoid confusion about fixed and mobile call charges to 08 Numbers

Rules for using a 0300 Number

  • 0300 numbers can only be ordered and used by public sector bodies and non-profit organisations such as registered charities.
  • Ofcom considers that the bodies eligible to use 0300 numbers should meet at least one of two basic criteria:
  • Please note that if you order a 0300 Number and you are not eligible, TTNC is obliged by regulation to re-claim the number, regardless of whether number has been advertised online or is in print.
Download the 0300 Guidance PDF

Search IconNumber search

Start the search for your number here. All numbers are £2.35 per month, with memorable numbers having a higher first month cost. All numbers require a Call Management Package which start from £2.94/month.

Inclusive features

As a TTNC customer, you'll have access to our advanced cloud based communications platform; myTTNC. You can set up voicemail, instantly divert calls to your landline or mobile number, view and download call reports, manage your alerts and much more.

  • Advanced cloud platform

    Advanced cloud platform

    Use myTTNC to order numbers, forward calls, download data and manage all aspects of your account and services in real-time from any device.

  • Real time Call Tracking

    Real-time Call Tracking

    Analyse real-time call data to measure the effectiveness of your advertising. Filter, view and download call reports and integrate with Google Analytics.

  • Voicemail to email

    Voicemail to email

    Enable our Voicemail service in case you can’t answer a call. Listen to your messages online or have them sent to your email address.

  • Alerts and notifications

    Alerts and notifications

    Create and manage alert settings within myTTNC. Receive email and SMS alerts for low balance, missed calls and voicemails.

  • Inbound / Outbound Caller ID

    Inbound / Outbound Caller ID

    An inbound caller's CLI will be presented when not withheld. You can display your TTNC Number on outbound calls by using our VoIP, Dial Through or Make A Call services.

  • API – agile integrations

    API – agile integrations

    Connect to our Rest API and use over 60 functions to provision numbers, enable services and extract data in real-time. Integrate with your system, app or CRM.

Call Forwarding Costs

Pay As You Go (PAYG) is great if your call volumes are lower or unknown. Pay Monthly is ideal for those who spend a lot of time on the phone and want our lowest call rates.

Pay As You Go (PAYG)

Top up Amounts Forwarding to a UK Landline Forwarding to a UK Mobile
£10, £25, £50 £0.029/min (2.9p) £0.106/min (10.6p)

Top up call credit on your account only when you need to.
Set up Automatic Top Up to manage this for you.

Pay Monthly

Tariffs Forwarding to a UK Landline
(UK Landline minutes)
Forwarding to a UK Mobile
(UK Mobile minutes)
£10 per month 416
£0.024/min (2.4p)
£0.077/min (7.7p)
£15 per month 652
£0.023/min (2.3p)
£0.065/min (6.5p)
£25 per month 1,136
£0.022/min (2.2p)
£0.060/min (6p)
£45 per month 2,368
£0.019/min (1.9p)
£0.053/min (5.3p)
£60 per month 3,333
£0.018/min (1.8p)
£0.048/min (4.8p)

Adds call credit to your account on the 1st of each month.
Buy more call credit to get extra mins at the same rate.

The rates shown are per minute and based on forwarding to a UK destination. Forwarding to a TTNC VoIP User or SIP Trunk is free. Forwarding to any other SIP address costs £0.012/minute (1.2p). Forwarding to Voicemail, Information Line and Fax to Email is the same as the tariff’s landline rate. A minimum cost of £0.015 (1.5p) applies to each chargeable call.

For all other destinations, please use our Check Rate Tool.

Download Rate Sheet

What if 0300 Numbers aren't for you?

If you don't fit into this criteria, you should look to use 0333 numbers. These numbers are available for use by any person, business or organisation.

Download the 0300 Numbers PDF Download the myTTNC PDF